آرشیو خرداد ماه 1400

چيزهايي كه براي شما مفيد است

عطرهاي بهاري: گذرنامه به ايتاليا

۴۲ بازديد

فرانسه ممكن است محل استقرار بسياري از رايحه هاي خوب باشد ، اما يك ايتاليايي طول كشيد تا عطر را به پاريس ببرد. وقتي كاترين دي مديچي 14 ساله براي ازدواج با هنري دوم از ايتاليا به فرانسه نقل مكان كرد ، عطر ساز خود ، رنه لو فلورنتين را با خود آورد. در حقيقت ، كلمه عطر از لاتين "per fume" ، از طريق دود است. قرن ها بعد ، ايتاليا در حال ظهور پايتخت عطر جهان است. هواي گرم Benvenuto با رايحه هاي مورد علاقه ما براي بهار. چه سلام.

1 ميليون ادكلن براي او توسط Paco Rabanne براي بهار
سيسيل ، جزيره بزرگ كنار درياي مديترانه به دليل نخلستانهاي مركبات و به ويژه سانگوينلو ، پرتقال خوني كه با رايحه اي شيرين كه يادآور توت است مي تركد ، مشهور است. 1 ميليون ادكلن براي او توسط Paco Rabanne ، با گريپ فروت و رايحه هاي چوبي آن ، تازه و مناسب براي بهار ، طراوت و تصفيه مي شود. براي او ، هوگو ديپ قرمز با نارنجي خون و نارنگي همراه با قلب فريزيا براي رايحه اي تازه و ميوه اي تركيب شده است.

Prada Infusion d'iris بهترين عطرهاي بهاري
Prada Infusion D’iris ما را به ياد طلوع خورشيد در اوايل بهار مي اندازد. ما هواي خنك را احساس مي كنيم ، اما زير گرماي آفتاب سيسيلي ، عنبيه و شكوفه هاي نارنج براي استقبال از روزي كه هنوز با شبنم غروب پوشيده شده است ، باز مي شوند. سرو و گالان سبز در پايه باعث ايجاد طراوت مي شود. رايحه اي بي انتها و پيچيده براي بهار.

aqua di gio براي بهترين عطرهاي بهاري آرماني
ميلان به عنوان يكي از پايتخت هاي مد جهان شناخته شده و محل زندگي جورجيو آرماني ، يكي از مشهورترين طراحان مد در جهان است. طرح هاي آرماني كه به خاطر خطوط تميز و خياطي واضحش مشهور است ، توسط افراد نوراني مانند آليشيا كيز ، ديويد بكهام ، ريچارد گير ، جودي فاستر ، لئوناردو دي كاپريو و كيت بلانشت استفاده مي شود. براي ادكلن مونداين رايحه اي شيك و گل گلي براي بهار است كه حاوي ليمو آمالفي ، كمي فلفل صورتي و نعناع تازه با قلب گل ياس شكوفا و بسيار باشكوه است و از پاپاراتزي طفره مي رود. براي او ، آرماني مانند كلاهبرداري خوب تراش خورده متناسب با سبك كلاسيك خود خواهد بود.

Aqua di Roma لورا بياگيوتي
هنگام حضور در رم - شهر واتيكان ، پانتئون و جوليوس سزار خواستار رايحه اي باشكوه هستند. Aqua Di Roma براي او توسط Laura Biagiotti از جنگل ها و ادويه هاي باستاني رد مي كند و رايحه عالي انتقال براي شب هاي خنك بهار است. براي او ، Holy Water by Demeter ، رايحه اي گلدار ميوه اي با قيمت فروتن را امتحان كنيد.

How to Use Pinterest؟

۳۱ بازديد

What is Pinterest? Pinterest, which is one of the most popular social media applications in America and European countries, is one of the applications that will spread over a few months and will be used frequently, although it is not yet known in Turkey. The biggest feature of PInterest is Pinning. So what is pinning, what is pinterest, how is pinterest used, what is pinterest? What is Pinterest? Pinterest is one of the social media applications for video and photo sharing. People have the opportunity to share their personal photos or other photos they like from their profiles. In addition, the most up-to-date and most striking feature of Pinterest should have the ability to share photos and videos shared by others from their own profiles. If people like the photos and videos shared on other people's profiles, they can upload them to their profiles with the pinning feature. The creative name Pinterest gave to this is called "pin". One of the interesting features of Pinterest is that only one third of the people who use this application are men. Generally, users are women. Of course, this situation can change over time. But Pinterest has provided its development to date through women. This application, which is aimed at more women, can provide access to more male users over time. It is not unusual for it to appeal to women, as the posts on Pinterest focus more on fashion, diet, slimming, creative, household items, do-it-yourself. But within a few years the context of the topic can expand and Pinterest can reach more users by becoming an app that also appeals to men. How to Use Pinterest Pinterest is among the applications that are generally very easy to use. Pinteres login screen is among the easy applications like other social media platforms. Users must first create an account for themselves. There are two important concepts that should be known after the created accounts: Pin and Clipboard.


A Pin is a visual bookmark for storing images, videos and posts found on the internet or on Pinterest. Board, on the other hand, is called groups where Pins are gathered together according to their subjects and themes. This feature, which enables people to make categorical shares, is among the very useful features. In addition, this feature is a feature exclusive to Pinterest. It has not yet been used in other social media accounts. (Pinterest Support) Before starting to use Pinterest, it is also important for people to reach the people that suit them best. Because, regardless of the social media platform, users can only enjoy that application as they follow the fun and useful accounts that they feel close to. Pinterest is an application that supports Turkish. This increases the rate at which Turkish users can find the most suitable pages for them. By typing the category they are looking for in the above search engine in Turkish, they can have the opportunity to reach the content shared in this category and the people who share in these categories. In this way, they reach the most suitable accounts for them and manage to make Pinterest the most enjoyable possible for them. Pinterest Pin Creation If people find images and videos that appeal to them, they need to click the red pin button under the post. Thanks to the red pin button, photos shared in that category will be accessed. People can add categories or photos to their collections by making “Pin It”. If they click this button, a question will appear in front of them saying "where do we add them?" People add the photos and videos they find to their own collections by creating a new collection or by adding to the existing collection. In this way, it will be easier for them to access those photos again. As you can see, Pinterest is very simple to use. Besides, the application is an extremely enjoyable application.




